1: Start your day with a delicious anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet breakfast! Try avocado toast topped with tomatoes and feta.

2: Whip up a quick Mediterranean yogurt bowl with Greek yogurt, honey, and mixed berries for a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

3: Make a chia seed pudding with almond milk, honey, and cinnamon for a filling and anti-inflammatory breakfast option.

4: Try a green smoothie made with spinach, banana, almond butter, and almond milk for a quick and energizing breakfast on the go.

5: Enjoy a Mediterranean egg bake with tomatoes, spinach, and feta for a protein-packed and anti-inflammatory breakfast option.

6: Make a batch of oatmeal muffins with walnuts and apples for a portable and nutritious breakfast option.

7: Prepare a quinoa breakfast bowl with mixed nuts, dried fruits, and honey for a hearty and anti-inflammatory breakfast option.

8: Try a Mediterranean breakfast wrap with hummus, feta, cucumbers, and olives for a flavorful and filling breakfast option.

9: Start your day right with these four best five-minute anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet breakfast ideas for busy working women!

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